Kennel Cough in Dogs in Matthews, NC: Everything You Need to Know

As a dog owner in Matthews, you understand how important it is to keep your furry friend healthy. But there are some ailments that are extremely common in canine companions, and kennel cough (canine Bordetella) is one of them. Kennel cough is caused by a few different types of viruses, all of which can attack any dog who hasn’t been vaccinated against them. In this article, we’ll walk you through the basics you need to know to better understand this condition in your pet. Symptoms of Kennel Cough in Matthews, NC Some common symptoms of kennel cough include: Persistent Coughing
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6 Toxic Foods for Dogs in Matthews, NC

If you’re a dog owner, you are already probably aware that there are some foods you should never feed your dog. However, you might not realize just how many human foods are actually toxic foods for dogs in Matthews, NC. Common Toxic Food for Dogs in Matthews, NC In this article, we’ll show you six of the most common toxic household human foods you should avoid giving to your dog. Keep in mind that this isn’t a complete list, so it’s important to familiarize yourself with other possible problem foods too, in order to be a responsible pet owner. Some
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8 Vaccines Every Kitten Needs in Matthews, NC

Are you thinking of bringing home a new kitten as part of your family, or do you already have a kitten in your household? If so, you may be wondering which shots your new cat might need. As a responsible cat owner in Matthews, it’s important to keep up with your kitten’s vaccines from as early as possible. Important Kitten Vaccines in Matthews, NC In this article, we’ll show you the basics you need to know about kitten vaccines. With this information, you can figure out which vaccines your kitten might need and which you want to ask your veterinarian
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Symptoms of Heartworm in Dogs in Matthews, NC

Heartworm disease is a serious and potentially deadly disease that can affect dogs, cats, and ferrets, as well as wild canine species, and in the US, cases of heartworm disease have been reported in all 50 states, as well as in other parts of the world. Although testing and prevention are readily available from your veterinarian in Matthews, NC, there are several symptoms of heartworm in dogs that owners should know. But first, we will look at what heartworm disease is, and how it can harm, and be potentially deadly for your best friend. What is Heartworm Disease for Dogs
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Can Dogs Have OCD?

There has been a lot of concern recently about pets acquired during the Covid -19 pandemic and what will happen to them when their owners return to the office. Many veterinary behaviorists worry that the pets will begin to exhibit some negative behaviors such as separation anxiety because they will miss their owner’s constant Presence. Making sure your dog or cat is properly prepared for your absence will help avert this issue.  Make sure the pet has plenty of exercise and activity every day.  Make multiple short trips out of the house and extend them longer and longer to acclimate
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